Learn about Palestine

If you can, talk to the people in your life about Palestine! Let them know what’s going on and encourage them to take action. If you would like some help coming up with rebuttals for common misconceptions, Pali Answers has some short responses that you can use, backed up by sources.

We also wanted to highlight PalQuest, a digital encyclopedia created by the Institute for Palestine Studies that is dedicated to Palestinian history. As the website describes it: “Explore thousands of events, biographies, highlights, places and primary documents, in the first interactive platform entirely devoted to the Palestine Question.”

Palestinian Red Lines

Al-Thawabit al-Wataniyya (Arabic: الثوابت الوطنية), shortened as Thawabit/Thawabet (‘fundamental principles’) and sometimes referred to as Palestinian red-lines, are a set of supra-constitutional principles that were formulated by the Palestinian National Council of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1977, representing the core issues of national consensus on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and “to which all Palestinian factions must pledge fealty”:

The Thawabit, declared as Palestinians’ inviolable national rights, became the cornerstones of the ethos of conflict of the Palestinian society, featuring prominently in all cultural products, in the media, in the speeches of leaders, in official documents, in textbooks and in the daily life of the Palestinian society.

Videos regarding Palestine History

Recommended Reading


Social Media links

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (@ucspr on ig, @USCPR_ on twitter)
Adalah Justice Project:(@adalahjusticeproject on ig, @adalahjustice on twitter)
Jewish Voice For Peace (@jewishvoiceforpeace on ig, @jplive on twitter)

Live from Gaza Instagram accounts
@motaz_azaiza @byplestia @ahmdehijazee @aborjelaa @alma_shurrab @joegaza93

Content hubs on Instagram
@eye.on.palestine @cravingpalestine @qudsen @theimeu @mondoweiss

Analysis on Instagram
@anat.international @gazangirl @mohammedelkurd @adnan_barq @salma_shuraab @jennamatari

Twitch streamer HasanAbi is putting out lots of content on both current events and the history of the conflict, these are just a few of them:

How We Got Here… (Israel Palestine War Explained)
Is Israel Simply “Defending Itself”?
Did Israel Bomb a Hospital In Gaza?

Sources: Anonymous Wombat , Palestine Poster Project, and Wikipedia